What Students Say About The S.O.A.R.™ Training Program
“The action plan and handouts for incorporating the 12 Steps with the asana were so helpful.” -A.M.
“I have enjoyed my studies and practices throughout this course and I look forward to growing and learning over time.” -K.W.
“I am excited to begin offering the class to our community. [The information] allows me to grow as a student and as a teacher.” -C.H.
“This supports my own recovery and strengthened by awareness/beliefs in the power of yoga and recovery. I feel empowered to spread the word! I also feel educated on addiction concepts.” -E.B.
“What I liked best was your energies….learning more about relapse prevention…working in small groups was great” –J.S.
“I loved this experience, I feel more confident.” -K.
“The training was professionally introduced, the environment was professional, yet fun and interesting.” -A.S.
“I loved the chance to practice what we would be teaching.” -G.M.
“The instructors were compassionate, caring and open.” -J.R.
“By the end of the program I felt I had a support group to call on as I develop more skills in this area of yoga.” -J.L.
“I feel the training exceeded my expectations…it touched on the professional, compassionate and intelligent offerings to reach this target population. “ -Evelyn
“Level of knowledge and expertise was conveyed in a professional and supportive manner.” -A.N.
“The delivery of the information was clear and easy to understand” -K.M.
“My goals were accomplished! I have the tools and resources to bring yoga classes to the recovering population [and their families]…. I never felt overwhelmed or rushed.” -R.L.