Student Feedback

What Students Say About The S.O.A.R.™ Training Program

“The action plan and handouts for incorporating the 12 Steps with the asana were so helpful.”  -A.M.

“I have enjoyed my studies and practices throughout this course and I look forward to growing and learning over time.”  -K.W.

“I am excited to begin offering the class to our community. [The information] allows me to grow as a student and as a teacher.”  -C.H.

“This supports my own recovery and strengthened by awareness/beliefs in the power of yoga and recovery. I feel empowered to spread the word! I also feel educated on addiction concepts.”  -E.B.

“What I liked best was your energies….learning more about relapse prevention…working in small groups was great” –J.S.

“I loved this experience, I feel more confident.” -K.

“The training was professionally introduced, the environment was professional, yet fun and interesting.” -A.S.

“I loved the chance to practice what we would be teaching.” -G.M.

“The instructors were compassionate, caring and open.” -J.R.

“By the end of the program I felt I had a support group to call on as I develop more skills in this area of yoga.” -J.L.

“I feel the training exceeded my expectations…it touched on the professional, compassionate and intelligent offerings to reach this target population. “  -Evelyn

“Level of knowledge and expertise was conveyed in a professional and supportive manner.” -A.N.

“The delivery of the information was clear and easy to understand” -K.M.

“My goals were accomplished! I have the tools and resources to bring yoga classes to the recovering population [and their families]…. I never felt overwhelmed or rushed.”   -R.L.

Sign up for S.O.A.R. (TM) online training. You. too, can revitalize your yoga AND your recovery with this training. Give yourself the opportunity to gather tools for yourself and for others to heal somatically- from the inside out!
There are scholarships available on a quarterly basis for up to $100 off the base program. 
“Yoga and The Twelve Step Path” is required reading as part of the course.


Feedback on “Yoga and the Twelve Step Path”:

” [S] gave me your beautiful book. It’s going to save lives. You are a beautiful soul for taking the project all the way through to completion, a leader, a founding mother, my good yogi.”  D.C. in San Jose CA

“I’ve had a hard few days (and) cried all night last night, thought ‘just drink yourself into oblivion, that’ll get rid of the way I’m feeling…but I didn’t and I’ve got up this morning, the sun is shining and I’m reading your story, pg 5. Your honesty about your life in your book is a lifesaver…”  ‘A’ in the UK

“YAT12SP is a great read for those who are on the path and are exploring the tools that are available in allied traditions and technologies. I found this book to be of immense value for the parallels the author has found between the modern and ancient traditions that may seem on the surface to have absolutely nothing to do with each other. However, with a little bit of looking, the similarities are striking and mutually complementary and the author clearly points this out in her text. Additionally, the exercises are awesome for keeping the grounded-ness necessary to live one day at a time and keep one’s self in the body and unperturbed by the mind and “stinkin’ thinkin’ “. L.C., CA

“There is the added benefit, that yogis may find tools. too, that the 12 steps offer to round out what they have learned having never been to a AA, GA, or NA meeting. Bill W and Dr. Bob found sutras for the modern age (modern sage?).” V., OR

“I found this book valuable for any serious student of yoga, whether in recovery or not. Maybe everyone is in recovery from our crazy Western lifestyles!  Her explanations of the yamas and niyamas were clear and compelling, using examples from the experiences of those in recovery. She also provides a sample hatha yoga practice that is easy to follow. I liked that she mentions that recovery programs need to integrate some form of physical exercise in addition to the psychological therapies, after the devastation of addiction which can harm the physical health as well. Yoga can be ideal for body, mind, and spirit integration. I would recommend this book to yoga teachers as well. Great information for them to learn when they have students who are in recovery.”  N.G., CA

“I have gotten so much out of your book and classes.”  M.K., CA